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Assessment & Selection of a Graduate Trainee Manager

Assessment & Selection of a Graduate Trainee Manager
Order Description
The individual component – Short report (2000 words)
(A template is placed later down)
The report should contain a literature review on the subject of assessment and management competencies
The Literature Review must be referenced in line with Harvard style referencing
A CRITICAL review of the various assessments that you intend to use in your Recommendations – Might think about working backwards
Define your competencies and key behaviours FIRST
The Conclusions and Recommendations should be written in 3rd person but no referencing needed•
You are required to research the subjects of selection and assessment and management competencies (presented in the review of the literature). You are expected to present a critique of the literature on assessment tests and methods in the context of predicting future job performance.
• You are then expected to choose three management competencies that you deem important from the research in the literature review in relation to a graduate trainee manager.
You will then develop two Key Behaviours for each competency. These will then be linked to the various assessments in the recommendations section.
The Management Report is made up of a number of sections and accordingly, each section attracts a number of marks. A grade is also given for overall presentation.

• Executive summary 15%
• Review of the literature 25%
• Conclusions 15%
• Recommendations 25%
• Bibliography `and in-text referencing 10%
• Presentation (overall presentation of the document and to include the front cover and contents page) 10%

Draft template
The template is a suggestion only. Please do not see it as the definitive model. In fact, it would be good if yours was somewhat different to this. Remember the presentation grade. You will not score high on this if you merely copy my template. Be adventurous.
1 Executive summary
Do not normally exceed one page.
What is the report about?
Why have you written the report?
Why is it such an important subject?
Give an understanding of some of the research on the matter.
Give an understanding of competencies in general and maybe introduce the most important competencies you have identified.
What tests/methods do you think are particularly important in the context of graduate management selection?
What are your overall conclusions and recommendations?


Section Page no
1.0 Literature Review
1.1 The traditional approach
1.2 Work samples.

Example of Personality Questionnaire Appendix I
Example of Verbal Reasoning Test Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
1.0 literature Review
In today’s dynamic business environment, it is extremely important to get the matter of selection and assessment right. That is, that business actually matches the job to the best person. Finding the right person amongst an ever growing number of the unemployed makes the problem even more difficult. However, this is but one issue in getting the process right. The biggest issue is to ensure that the process is optimally objective. Only then we can at least hope that we get it right first time. Too often, there is an over-reliance on the traditional approach which includes the use of application forms, CVs, references and interviews. The research (Reardon 2008) suggests that the traditional approach is contaminated by a serious lack of objectivity which to a large extent may be associated to a lack of a rigorous job analysis along with issues of bias etc in the interview process. This is particularly problematic when the unstructured interviews are used. As will become evident, the traditional approach when considered in the context of management selection is questionable in the context of graduate management selection. Remember the key issues are the prediction of future job performance and objective methods of assessment as opposed to the subjective. It is a misfortune that the traditional approach (application forms, CVs, references and interviews) to selection and assessment tends to be accepted as good enough, it is not (Stead 2011). What follows immediately is a review of the traditional approach.
1.1 The traditional approach
The traditional approach to selection comprises a number of potentially valuable methods of assessment for some jobs. The process with its pros and cons will be offered below.
1.1.1Application forms
What are they? What information do they give you? Are they useful?
1.1.2 CVs
1.1.3 Interviews Unstructured interviews
1.1.4 References

You do not need to stick rigidly to the list below.
You do not need to include them all.
You might find some tests that are not here.
You may create a test
2.0 Beyond the Traditional Approach –
Review the various methods/tests that are available. Your aim is to determine whether they are any good and whether they help us to predict future job performance
Also p[rennet a short review on management competencies

2.1 Cognitive tests
Cognitive tests are said to be fairly cost effective in large recruitment programs and many researchers have argued that they may perhaps be the best predictor in selection as cognitive ability is required in most jobs. Give examples of the various tests and make a statement based on research on their ability to predict future job performance. There are three major cognitive tests which are, verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and abstract reasoning.

2.2 Group exercises
Interpersonal competence is usually tested by the use of group exercises (Taylor, 2005). Group exercises can take many forms. Group discussions can be arranged on a generalised topic and how each group interacts with the others is observed. Interpersonal skills, influence and leadership can be measured through such activities (Old 1992). This method has been criticised for the time and cost needed to train the assessors

2.3 Work samples
Work samples are effectively work simulations which are intended to match something in the job. A common technique used in management selection is an in-tray exercise in which each group member must confront a number of management tasks. Performance is observed and each group member is compared to one another. Work samples have high validity and so applicants respond favourably to them. Find some research to support this statement.

2.4 Personality tests
In the past, the status of personality tests as predictors of job performance has been criticised. Some have argued that responses of applicants can be false, therefore, reducing the validity of the results (Arnold, 2005).
Some people, however, have argued that personality tests have high validity as personality is an important determinant of behaviour at work. Possibly an example in the appendix
2.5 Emotional intelligence
According to Goleman (1998), Emotional Intelligence measures abilities such as being able to motivate oneself, control impulses, regulate mood and empathise with others (Brewster 2005). He suggests that Emotional Intelligence is particularly important in effective leadership (Lenin 2005). Possibly an example in the appendix

2.6 Management exercises

2.7 Presentations

2.8 Role play

2.9 Any others that you come across
2.10 Management competencies
Competencies are general descriptions of the behaviour and underlying characteristics needed to successfully perform a particular role at the required level. They are concerned with how an individual carries out a particular element of their role rather than merely what they do (Pearson & Adams 2008).
Which competencies have you identifies as being important for a Graduate Trainee Manager in your review of the literature. Might be a good idea to think about the key behaviours here a well. The Bartram paper is very useful

4.0 Conclusions
A thorough review of the literature on various tests and methods revealed that a number of these tests/methods showed sufficient usefulness to be included as part of a wider and deeper assessment. It is suggested that an assessment centre would be the most suitable means by which to assess and then select graduate trainee managers. The tests and methods selected are detailed below:
NB – if you intend using a role paly, a management exercise, group discussion or some similar method, you must indicate here the content of the method. For example, the role play will focus on the candidates negotiating with a customer for a sale/

An analysis of the various relevant management competencies was undertaken. This analysis revealed three competencies along with a number of key behaviours which underpin the competencies. The competencies and key behaviours are detailed below:
5.0 Recommendations
The recommendations are ?????????????????????????. A number of tests and methods are proposed to enable the testing of the identified key behaviours.
This I where you link your Key Behaviour’s

You can present the solution in a table text with bullets or in graphical form. BUT NOT both.
7.0 Bibliography


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Assessment & Selection of a Graduate Trainee Manager

Assessment & Selection of a Graduate Trainee Manager
Order Description
The individual component – Short report (2000 words)
(A template is placed later down)
The report should contain a literature review on the subject of assessment and management competencies
The Literature Review must be referenced in line with Harvard style referencing
A CRITICAL review of the various assessments that you intend to use in your Recommendations – Might think about working backwards
Define your competencies and key behaviours FIRST
The Conclusions and Recommendations should be written in 3rd person but no referencing needed•
You are required to research the subjects of selection and assessment and management competencies (presented in the review of the literature). You are expected to present a critique of the literature on assessment tests and methods in the context of predicting future job performance.
• You are then expected to choose three management competencies that you deem important from the research in the literature review in relation to a graduate trainee manager.
You will then develop two Key Behaviours for each competency. These will then be linked to the various assessments in the recommendations section.
The Management Report is made up of a number of sections and accordingly, each section attracts a number of marks. A grade is also given for overall presentation.

• Executive summary 15%
• Review of the literature 25%
• Conclusions 15%
• Recommendations 25%
• Bibliography `and in-text referencing 10%
• Presentation (overall presentation of the document and to include the front cover and contents page) 10%

Draft template
The template is a suggestion only. Please do not see it as the definitive model. In fact, it would be good if yours was somewhat different to this. Remember the presentation grade. You will not score high on this if you merely copy my template. Be adventurous.
1 Executive summary
Do not normally exceed one page.
What is the report about?
Why have you written the report?
Why is it such an important subject?
Give an understanding of some of the research on the matter.
Give an understanding of competencies in general and maybe introduce the most important competencies you have identified.
What tests/methods do you think are particularly important in the context of graduate management selection?
What are your overall conclusions and recommendations?


Section Page no
1.0 Literature Review
1.1 The traditional approach
1.2 Work samples.

Example of Personality Questionnaire Appendix I
Example of Verbal Reasoning Test Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
1.0 literature Review
In today’s dynamic business environment, it is extremely important to get the matter of selection and assessment right. That is, that business actually matches the job to the best person. Finding the right person amongst an ever growing number of the unemployed makes the problem even more difficult. However, this is but one issue in getting the process right. The biggest issue is to ensure that the process is optimally objective. Only then we can at least hope that we get it right first time. Too often, there is an over-reliance on the traditional approach which includes the use of application forms, CVs, references and interviews. The research (Reardon 2008) suggests that the traditional approach is contaminated by a serious lack of objectivity which to a large extent may be associated to a lack of a rigorous job analysis along with issues of bias etc in the interview process. This is particularly problematic when the unstructured interviews are used. As will become evident, the traditional approach when considered in the context of management selection is questionable in the context of graduate management selection. Remember the key issues are the prediction of future job performance and objective methods of assessment as opposed to the subjective. It is a misfortune that the traditional approach (application forms, CVs, references and interviews) to selection and assessment tends to be accepted as good enough, it is not (Stead 2011). What follows immediately is a review of the traditional approach.
1.1 The traditional approach
The traditional approach to selection comprises a number of potentially valuable methods of assessment for some jobs. The process with its pros and cons will be offered below.
1.1.1Application forms
What are they? What information do they give you? Are they useful?
1.1.2 CVs
1.1.3 Interviews Unstructured interviews
1.1.4 References

You do not need to stick rigidly to the list below.
You do not need to include them all.
You might find some tests that are not here.
You may create a test
2.0 Beyond the Traditional Approach –
Review the various methods/tests that are available. Your aim is to determine whether they are any good and whether they help us to predict future job performance
Also p[rennet a short review on management competencies

2.1 Cognitive tests
Cognitive tests are said to be fairly cost effective in large recruitment programs and many researchers have argued that they may perhaps be the best predictor in selection as cognitive ability is required in most jobs. Give examples of the various tests and make a statement based on research on their ability to predict future job performance. There are three major cognitive tests which are, verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and abstract reasoning.

2.2 Group exercises
Interpersonal competence is usually tested by the use of group exercises (Taylor, 2005). Group exercises can take many forms. Group discussions can be arranged on a generalised topic and how each group interacts with the others is observed. Interpersonal skills, influence and leadership can be measured through such activities (Old 1992). This method has been criticised for the time and cost needed to train the assessors

2.3 Work samples
Work samples are effectively work simulations which are intended to match something in the job. A common technique used in management selection is an in-tray exercise in which each group member must confront a number of management tasks. Performance is observed and each group member is compared to one another. Work samples have high validity and so applicants respond favourably to them. Find some research to support this statement.

2.4 Personality tests
In the past, the status of personality tests as predictors of job performance has been criticised. Some have argued that responses of applicants can be false, therefore, reducing the validity of the results (Arnold, 2005).
Some people, however, have argued that personality tests have high validity as personality is an important determinant of behaviour at work. Possibly an example in the appendix
2.5 Emotional intelligence
According to Goleman (1998), Emotional Intelligence measures abilities such as being able to motivate oneself, control impulses, regulate mood and empathise with others (Brewster 2005). He suggests that Emotional Intelligence is particularly important in effective leadership (Lenin 2005). Possibly an example in the appendix

2.6 Management exercises

2.7 Presentations

2.8 Role play

2.9 Any others that you come across
2.10 Management competencies
Competencies are general descriptions of the behaviour and underlying characteristics needed to successfully perform a particular role at the required level. They are concerned with how an individual carries out a particular element of their role rather than merely what they do (Pearson & Adams 2008).
Which competencies have you identifies as being important for a Graduate Trainee Manager in your review of the literature. Might be a good idea to think about the key behaviours here a well. The Bartram paper is very useful

4.0 Conclusions
A thorough review of the literature on various tests and methods revealed that a number of these tests/methods showed sufficient usefulness to be included as part of a wider and deeper assessment. It is suggested that an assessment centre would be the most suitable means by which to assess and then select graduate trainee managers. The tests and methods selected are detailed below:
NB – if you intend using a role paly, a management exercise, group discussion or some similar method, you must indicate here the content of the method. For example, the role play will focus on the candidates negotiating with a customer for a sale/

An analysis of the various relevant management competencies was undertaken. This analysis revealed three competencies along with a number of key behaviours which underpin the competencies. The competencies and key behaviours are detailed below:
5.0 Recommendations
The recommendations are ?????????????????????????. A number of tests and methods are proposed to enable the testing of the identified key behaviours.
This I where you link your Key Behaviour’s

You can present the solution in a table text with bullets or in graphical form. BUT NOT both.
7.0 Bibliography


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